Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909
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  • CWTS Course “Universities, research organizations and rankings”

CWTS Course “Universities, research organizations and rankings”

May 15th, 2017

PuzzleOn the 28th of June, CWTS will host a one day course about ‘Universities, research organizations and rankings'. Advanced publication data collection and basic issues defining universities and research organizations”.  This course is organized within the context of the RISIS project (risis.eu)
The course will focus on definitions and data collection procedures for the universities that appear in the Leiden Ranking. We will discuss the challenge of identifying universities from author affiliations in scientific publications comparing alternative approaches that are offered in different bibliographic databases. Apart from universities we will also discuss the contribution of non-university research organizations and the particular challenge to identify them. This includes research organizations and (academic) hospitals. For further information about the course see http://risis.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Leaflet-CWTS-course.pdf.

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