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  • CWTS researchers call for more pluralistic journal indicators

CWTS researchers call for more pluralistic journal indicators

May 28th, 2019

Nature article journal metrics  web Together with a large number of colleagues, CWTS researchers Paul Wouters, Sarah de Rijcke, and Ludo Waltman call for more pluralistic journal indicators. In a commentary published today in Nature, Wouters, De Rijcke, and Waltman argue that the journal impact factor has become a too dominant journal indicator, which is often used in questionable ways in research evaluations. They call for a broader and more diverse set of journal indicators that properly reflect the different functions journals have.

The commentary published today is the outcome of a workshop organized in the Lorentz Center in Leiden in November 2017. The commentary is co-authored by the other workshop organizers: Vincent Larivière (University of Montreal and visiting professor at CWTS), Marie McVeigh (Clarivate Analytics), Bernd Pulverer (EMBO), and Cassidy Sugimoto (Indiana University Bloomington). In addition, it is co-signed by the 18 workshop participants. The co-authors and co-signatories represent a large variety of stakeholders, ranging from experts in scientometrics and science studies to journal editors, scientific publishers, research funders, and Clarivate Analytics as a provider of research analytics (including the journal impact factor).

The co-authors and co-signatories propose to establish a governing body to oversee the development of a more diverse set of journal indicators. Different stakeholders can work together in this governing body. Interested stakeholders are invited to contact the authors to join the initiative.

More information

Commentary in Nature

Workshop report

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