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  • Administrative burden in universities: Key dimensions, potential drivers, and implications for university-based research

Administrative burden in universities: Key dimensions, potential drivers, and implications for university-based research

Dr. Peter Woelert

Fri 14 June 2024 | 15:00 - 16:15 (CEST)
CWTS and Online
Dr. Peter Woelert

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dr Peter WoelertIn many countries, there is growing concern about levels of administrative burden within universities, and the ramifications for the efficiency and effectiveness of universities' core operations. As a concept, administrative burden refers to the various costs or demands associated with completing administrative tasks, both for individuals and organizations. Within the context of universities, increasing administrative burden is a key issue because it implies that less time and energy can be devoted to the core activities of research and teaching. Yet despite growing concerns, our understanding of the specific dimensions and the organisational drivers of administrative burdens within universities remains limited. Drawing on analyses of survey data, among others, this presentation provides some preliminary insights into what staff working at Australian universities regard as the key dimensions and drivers of the administrative burdens they encounter in their work. Key dimensions covered include the administrative demands associated with key academic activities and the prevalence of 'red tape', that is, of administrative 'busywork' that is seen to fulfill no obvious purpose. In terms of drivers, I discuss how specifically a range of contextual factors - such as universities' organizational (re-)structures or their use of digital technologies - are seen to be impacting administrative burdens on the ground. Finally, I draw out some of the implications of our survey-based findings for the conduct and governance of university-based research activities.


Dr. Peter Woelert, Associate Professor at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne.

Website: https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/profile/219058-peter-woelert
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-woelert-587bb75b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeterWoelert

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