Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909
  • News
  • CWTS launches new Scientometrics Summer School

CWTS launches new Scientometrics Summer School

February 7th, 2018

nieuwsberichtCWTS is proud to announce the launch of a newly developed summer school on scientometrics. With its unique focus on doctoral training, the CWTS Scientometrics Summer School fills a gap in the currently available opportunities for scientometric training. The summer school has a scientometric focus, but it will also place the study of science within a broader theoretical perspective. At the same time, participants will be introduced to practical applications in interactive sessions. The summer school will close by critically examining the role of scientometrics in the research system.

The broad coverage of topics ensures that participants in the summer school will get a good overview of the field. The summer school will be highly relevant to students pursuing a doctoral degree in scientometrics, but also to students from other fields who want to make use of scientometric methods in their research.

The summer school will be taught by leading scholars in the field of scientometrics, at an institute that has been at the centre of the field for over 25 years. Registration is now open.

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