Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909

Dr. Alex Rushforth

Dr. Alex Rushforth is a scholar in the fields of sociology of science and science policy, with research and teaching centred on the areas of research evaluation, bibliometrics, science governance and science and technology studies (STS) more broadly. His work critically explores the role of performance indicators and evaluation in shaping scientific research. He has paid significant attention to the strategic and epistemic responses of researchers to performance indicators and evaluation practices, offering insights into their influence on scientific work and academic cultures.

A major current concern is how to better align research evaluation to questions of societal and economic well-being. Especially pertinent are his studies on science reform movements, particularly initiatives calling for research assessment reform. Through critical sociological and STS lenses, he analyses and contributes to reform initiatives, exploring ways to strengthen institutional capacities to advance assessment reform and cultivate more reflexive forms of science policymaking and collective action.

Currently Dr. Rushforth is project co-lead of the AGORRA project at the Research on Research Institute (RoRI). AGORRA is a five-year, international program aiming to equip policymakers, funders and institutional leaders with real-time feedback and information on different types of national research assessment and funding systems. The ambition is to generate evidence and support mutual learning during development and evolution of research assessment innovations, alongside retrospective analyses. Through AGORRA and other initiatives, Dr. Rushforth is committed to advancing a flexible, responsive approaches to research assessment that more closely aligns with public values and societal contributions expected of academic research.

Outside sociology of science, Dr. Rushforth also has longstanding interest in medical sociology, particularly in the organization and delivery of healthcare. His academic journey began with a PhD from Surrey University, where he focused on the complex processes involved in translating research and innovation into clinical practice. Dr. Rushforth later undertook post-doctoral research at Oxford University, examining how technology can support organizational change and learning within healthcare systems.

The Covid-19 pandemic redirected some of Dr. Rushforth's research at Oxford toward investigating the emergence of long Covid patient activism and healthcare provision. With collaborators, this work delved into how patients, advocacy groups, and healthcare professionals mobilize to address the needs of long Covid patients.

Back to present day Leiden, Dr. Rushforth is coordinator of the introductory undergraduate course 'Science, Technology and Society' and currently serves on the board of examiners for the BSc program Science for Sustainable Societies.

He is currently co-supervising the following PhD candidates:

  • Nino (Nina) Gogadze
  • Tanya Lee
  • Rinze Benedictus (part-time)


A recent list of publications can be found here:

Assistant Professor

T: +31 71 527 5392

E: a.d.rushforth@cwts.leidenuniv.nl

ORCID: 0000-0003-3352-943X

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